link popularity

Article Marketing, editorials with quality content for the web

L’Article Marketing is an integral part of a good Web Marketing strategy and consists of the writing and publication of informative or focused articles on certain keywords; the main objectives are aimed at Generate traffic to your own website, increase the link popularity And take care of their Brand Awareness.

The search engines that characterize Web 2.0, in fact, scan the millions of pages based on semantic analysis; this means that they analyze, through complex algorithms, the correspondence of content in relation to certain keywords and context. Supplementing one’s site with up-to-date and original content is a key step in appearing in search results and achieving top rankings on Google and other search engines.

Professional SEO-optimized article writing service

link popularity

Tun2U offers an article marketing service that meets your needs. After studying your site and target industry, our editors –
SEO experts
– will write content that supports the keywords you intend to target and, in parallel, generate new combinations of potentially profitable keywords.

Writing an article is only seemingly simple; often good syntax and great interest in the topic at hand are not enough. It’s about pleasing not only users, but also search engines.

Writing an interesting, original article is essential, here are some tricks

original article

If you want to know how to write a good article and have an
optimized website
? We suggest some useful steps you can follow; they are not meant to be a complete guide, just some pointers:

  • title: the title is your article’s calling card; it should be catchy and, in a sense, describe your article;
  • subtitle: has the task of clarifying your topic, a few words that anticipate the content of your article and specify what is stated in the title;
  • “lead”, the first paragraph should immediately contain a summary of the most important topics contained in the article: users quickly move from one page to the next reading superficially and paying attention only to the highlighted elements, in a sense scanning the page; only those articles that seem to meet their needs will be read more thoroughly;
  • engage the reader: once you have captured the attention of a potential user, enrich your article; your content should be original and detailed. Think about who you are addressing and always try to adhere to the journalistic rule of “5 W Questions”-who? what? when? Where? Why?
  • Short paragraphs interspersed with line spacing;
  • I recall the key concepts in bold;
  • Make links recognizable;
  • a user’s eye does not move along the text: insert images in a relevant way and keep the page “clean,” you will facilitate reading and keep the user focused on your content;
  • Format the text in a way that makes it enjoyable to use, don’t weigh it down, and don’t be long-winded!

Ensure visibility for your site: contact us now to avoid losing potential customers!

Claudio Migliorati
SEO Specialist