
Design your Landing Page and implement effective advertising

Landing page literally means “landing page” and is a specific page on which a user arrives after clicking on a specially created advertisement or link.

We can classify them into two macro groups that identify their main objective:

  • Consultation: this is mainly an informative page;
  • Transaction: invite the user to “do something” such as fill out a form, call, purchase.

This second type is by far the most widely used to sell products, services, and content.

It is generally the last step in an online advertising campaign (banner advertising, keyword advertising, email marketing); therefore, it plays a key role in the process of turning a user into a customer. Structuring an effective landing page that can generate conversions requires specific technical skills and a good dose of imagination and creativity.

How to create an optimized landing page with high conversion rate

optimized landing

Every landing page must follow some precise criteria in its construction. Here we briefly explain what are the basic elements of creating an optimized landing page:

  • Headline: is the first thing the user sees and is generally read up to five times more than the rest of the message. Don’t dissipate energy: write a short title that is as relevant as possible to the page or link that brought the user to your landing; ideal if it contains an extreme summary of your ad with the benefits they will gain by choosing you, for example include the phrases “How to,” “Find out how,” “Want to learn how,” offering in the subheading the solution you offer;
  • Image: always include an image that catches the visitor’s attention; it should be of good quality and aesthetically pleasing. You can choose to use an eye-catching figure or a more descriptive one; this second option is preferable in the case of services or products: you will, in fact, have the opportunity to visually and immediately highlight what is the competitive advantage of your product and its uniqueness;
  • Message: the text should be short, clear and precise, without too many frills: it should offer a valid solution to a problem/request. It must be convincing and persuasive. Technically, it is best to highlight key concepts with intuitive layout and formatting; include bulleted lists that summarize the offer (often preferred by users because it makes for smoother reading); avoid external links that might distract the user from your page;
  • Call to action: this is why you decided to create a landing: to invite users to take an action (contact you, buy your product, send you data, fill out a form,etc). Suggest to the user what they must do to obtain the benefits well explained in your message through a direct invitation to click on a link that will be well highlighted by a button/image;
  • Brand, Company Name: insert your logo giving the right space to your identity, use a communication style that conveys trust, reliability and credibility. The user should feel reassured or enticed to choose not only a product or service, but also the company offering it.

Creating optimized, quality pages saves you the cost of a click!

Be careful: the quality of the landing page will not only affect its effectiveness and, therefore, ROI (return on your investment), but it is also one of the requirements that Google evaluates in assigning a cost to the clicks received.

If you are still not convinced, call us and we will offer you our free, no-obligation consultation.

Elisa Falappa
Project Manager